Wednesday, January 03, 2007

2007 Tentative Schedule to Royal Mt.

Royal Mountain Ski Dates: 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 3/4 (Sundays)

Bus leaves 8:30 am from H.S.
Bus returns 4:30 pm

All Area Lift Ticket - $25
Bunny Slope Ticket - $15
All Area Lift and Rental (Ski or Snowboard) - $40

Bunny Slope Lift, Rental, and Lesson - $40 (Highly recommended for first timers!!!)
Extra Lessons $10

6 Week Prepaid Lift Ticket - $110 (Lessons included)
6 Week Prepaid Lift and Rentals - $170 (Lessons included)